Whistling Past the Graveyard – Wrightson tribute

October 4, 2016/art
‘Whistling Past the Graveyard’ by Nick Gucker ©2016

I had heard through wonderful artist Mike Dubisch that Creature Features in Burbank were doing a special tribute show to the legendary artist Bernie Wrightson, and were taking submissions. So, I shot off an email with a link to my website. Within a couple days I was informed that they’d like to include me in the show. So thrilled! Very happy to be not only part of this show but also in support of one of my strongest influences, artistically.

Here is the offical release of the show from Creature Features Facebook page:
Legendary artist Bernie Wrightson has created artwork to delight and disturb for over 45 years. Whether illustrating comics for DC, Marvel and Warren Publishing, collaborating on book illustrations with author Stephen King, or doing designs for movies like Ghostbusters, George Romero’s Land of the Dead or Frank Darabont’s The Mist, Wrightson has long been considered a true master of the macabre. Most notable is his 7-year stretch creating 50 detailed pen-and-ink drawings for Mary Shelley’s novel Frankenstein, a career high point, never to be surpassed.

This October, Creature Features celebrates Wrightson’s life and career with a unique gallery exhibit showcasing top artists paying tribute to the master with their own original paintings and sculptures dedicated to his work. 

Curated by make-up FX artist John Wrightson (Bernie’s son) and gallery owner Taylor White, this event will feature artists’ homages to such Wrightson creations as DC’s Swamp Thing, House of Mystery and House of Secrets, Heavy Metal’s Captain Sternn, Warren’s Creepy and Eerie and, of course, his iconic rendition of Frankenstein.

The exhibit opens on Saturday, October 8th from 6pm to 9pm and will also include a special display tracing Wrightson’s colorful career with original artwork, concept art, comics, movie posters, books, sculptures, model kits, trading cards and much more. 

A portion of the proceeds from the sale of each tribute piece of artwork and all merchandise being offered will be donated to Bernie Wrightson.

Artists include:
Ryan Bartlett
Bonnie Bozell
Kiel Bryant
Matt Cable
Anthony Carpenter
Ricardo Delgado
Alex Diaz
Mike Dubisch
Robert Elrod
Scott Fields
David Grasso
Tony Guaraldi-Brown
Nick Gucker
Hanzel Haro
Carlos Huante
Melissa Jimenez
Phil Joyce
Lee Joyner
Neal Kennemore
Jonathan La Mantia
Shawn Nagle
Eric O’Neill
Eric October
James A. Owen
Jeff Rebner
Thea Saks
Andy Schoneberg
Jack Snider
Mark Tavares
Eric Tengren
Jed Thomas
Mike Vosburg
Paul Wee
And more to be added!

Comments (1)

  • ee2d9fd6-8a69-11e6-b04a-7b74243094e2 / October 4, 2016 /

    Cheers Nick!

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