Come out tonight for The Drawnk 8×8 show at Saloon Gallery located at the Pioneer Square Saloon, Seattle, WA!~  There will be a pop-up vendor section for a number of artists to sell prints and such, and I am one of them vending this evening, come by and say hello! 

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All art pieces are 8×8″ and $40 off the wall!
Offical blurb for the show:
Every Wednesday, local and visiting artists meet at a Seattle bar to drink, draw, and generally art it up. This is a show of their work. Featuring over 300 artworks by 100 local artists, each 8″ x 8″piece is only $40, and sold right of the wall! Drinks, snacks, artist tables it’s gonna be a big ol’ party and we hope you can make it!

These are the pieces I’ve done for the show.

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